It’s a garage for your car, not a storage space for your junk.
Host Jeff Applebaum visits with a family having a packed garage overflowing with garbage, clutter, and other obstacles preventing it from ever housing an auto, much less being useful in any different manner than storage for junk.
The goal of this reality show is for the family owning the garage to race the clock and see how fast they can “de-clutter” the space. The entire family works together. A speedier time is rewarded with more money.
Each episode begins with the specially-outfitted “Garage Openers” large truck pulling up in front of the garage. The vehicle is specially outfitted with large bins for Recycling, Garbage, and Hazards. Each bin has a scale that weighs the items being placed into it. A fourth bin is for donations. Standing next to the fourth bin is the “Donation Expert” (co-host), who on-the-fly prices what is being donated.
A large countdown clock on the side of the vehicle adds drama to the show. Time is money. The recycling, trash, and hazardous waste loses value as time passes. Working fast is one key to a significant payoff. The other is to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Once the garage is decluttered, a family member has to get the family car fully into the garage, which stops the clock and locks in the payoff.
This is a show to which much of America can relate. Professional comedian, actor, and emcee Jeff Applebaum keeps up a fun and humorous running commentary throughout.