Loyalty comes with a price.
The Eosin Corporation are pioneers of medical research and advancements. Their head of security, Lionel Sars, has just been found murdered in a field, and several research files stolen from their secure room. Nona Pierson, Lionel’s protégé, is tasked with locating the missing files as well as uncovering how they were stolen. When the company decides to hand off the investigation into Sars’ murder solely to the police, Nona takes it upon herself to try and uncover the truth. During her own investigation, she discovers Daniel Wendell, a journalist putting together an exposé on Eosin’s more unsavory practices. Daniel’s access to Eosin’s internal files makes Nona question whether or not her mentor was involved in whistleblowing.
While handing off files to the police for Sars’ murder, Nona comes under suspicion of the lead detective on the case, who decides she had to have been involved. Nona runs into her ex-girlfriend, Audrey, at the justice building and the two of them decide to try and reconnect, even though Audrey is representing a client who is suing Eosin. Despite an early fallout over Nona’s place in the Eosin corporation, the two of them are willing to put aside their conflict of interest in order to keep seeing each other.
Clyde Vern, one of the heads of the Eosin Corporation, struggles with balancing running the company and putting up with his wife’s austere research practices. He fends off the budget concerns from the board of directors all while setting up clandestine money payments with an unknown figure. Nona decides to take out the informants for Daniel’s exposé by utilizing Eosin’s “clean up crew”, a pair of killers who operate out of an abandoned car wash. With the informants discredited or scared into hiding, Nona has Daniel kidnapped for a personal interview. The interview ends with Nona killing Daniel before he reveals who his contact is, leaving her in the dark about the true extent of the leak within the company.
Before his death, Daniel mailed important documents concerning Eosin’s illegal practices to himself, which his wife receives, setting her on the trail of discovering his fate and those responsible.