Ron Winters
Ron Winters holds a Masters Degree in Archaeological Studies from Yale University and a Bachelors Degree in Anthropology from Metropolitan State College of Denver. He has over 30 years of experience in archaeology, including leading Class III archaeological surveys, excavations, testing programs, historic preservation and stabilization projects, National Register eligibility assessments and nominations, and cultural resource management aspects.
His international experience includes work in Syria, where he excavated a late Bronze Age tell and Peru, where he conducted research for his Master’s thesis and has returned periodically to work on sites of emerging significance, including Chankillo and Cardal. Most of Ron’s recent work has been in the desert southwest, especially in his home of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Ron has worked for a wide variety of private, city, state, and federal institutions and agencies, including the American Museum of Natural History, City of Santa Fe County, Colorado State Historic Preservation Office Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation National Park Service, and USDA Forest Service. His projects have taken him around the world. From simple cultural resource inventories to large scale excavations, Ron has the experiences and callouses to prove that every job is unique and challenging, but all are equally important.
Throughout his career, Ron has continued to grow and refine his skill set. His love of reading and research has been integral in the refinement of his numerous talents in the field of archaeology. He continues to look for ways to help colleagues and students through instructing, team-building, and supervising.