After the hard work of receiving a high rating from coverage, often involving numerous rewrites, what comes next? Writing, rewriting, and polishing a script to get it to be a marketable product is no easy task. After many days, weeks, months, and sometimes years of effort to perfect the screenplay, the difficult work begins. That is where the skillsets and knowledge of Riveting River kick in. We work hand-in-hand with the writer and their agent or manager to shop the work around Hollywood. Our established entertainment partners in Southern California help to package the project with directors, showrunners, actors, and other recognized VIPs who can attract the attention of studios, networks, and streaming services. Once we locate entertainment decision-makers, we set up meetings, introduce the screenwriter, and work with all parties to get the project on the air or streaming.
The writer should not be under the illusion that getting their script produced will be an easy or fast process. It takes quite a bit of research, many calls, lots of meetings, and much more to turn a script into a success. Luckily, we love what we do, and we will give it our best shot. Once a project is accepted into the Riveting River portfolio, it is shared with those who can take it to the next level in the process. And if the project is one of the very few in the entertainment world fortunate enough to be but in front of audiences, Riveting River will start talking to you about your next project.
Studios know that Riveting River is an organized and trustworthy partner that can be relied upon for the long haul. Achieving success with a project in the entertainment industry revolves around many factors, not the least of which is knowing what one is good at and utilizing that skill to the max. We know our role. Riveting River is firmly entrenched in the business of being a pipeline to studios with some of the best screenplays written. Our pledge to studios is to bring them scripts that have been appropriately vetted and then rewritten as often as needed to be in the best possible shape to move forward.
We also do our homework. Every script we present to a studio comes with a comprehensive bible that includes a one-pager (synopsis), character descriptions, story arc (if it’s a series), backgrounder, writer bio, and coverage report. Often we have additional documentation, which may include the book from which the script was derived, interviews related to the characters, newspaper and magazine clipping that help tell the story. All in all, we do all we can to present a complete package on a project.

Bible Cover


Character Descriptions

Story Arc


Writer Bio

Coverage Report