Crossing the country to compete with Native American experts
Within each episode of Our Native America, Alicia Mary Retes and a celebrity guest will travel to a different Indian Nation somewhere across the United States. They will meet with a local expert on archery, medicine, cooking, dance, or a similar skill. The two will get to watch firsthand and up-close as the Native American uses their indigenous skill (with all the secrets behind it) in the same manner as their ancestors.
The Native American Expert will then show the VIP guest how to replicate the jewelry-making, horse-riding, storytelling, and the like of their ancestors. It won’t be easy, but it will be captivating—mistakes, stumbles, false starts, and all. Woven in with the live skill-replicating will be stories of past civilizations and tie-ins to today’s generation of tribal occupants. The audience will have access to behind-the-scenes craftsmanship, anecdotes, and ceremonies.
Alicia and the celebrity guest will be able to compare modern techniques and skills to those of the past. They will go head-to-head in a friendly competition pitting the old with the new. A live audience from the Native American Community will watch the action of tennis against stickball, coffee-urn brewing compared to campfire steeping, high-tech canoeing against birch bark boating, and the like.
The history of the United States began with the First Nation people. Everything we do today has a connection to the past. This show will help everyone understand and appreciate our common roots through entertaining, fun, and unpredictable, pitting famous people against Native Americans who will draw from the expertise and skills of their ancestors.
Nizhónígo ch’aanidíínaał (“Have a good journey.” In the Navajo language)