Media Outlets
Riveting River is available to provide content for networks, periodicals, publications, blogs, and news agencies. We are excited to broadcast our unique service of assisting writers who don’t possess the connections and tools to get their screenplays on the air or streaming. Our writers also have compelling personal stories to tell and are available for interviews through our PR Team. Interested media outlets should use the Contact Form to get in touch with the Riveting River PR Department.
Notes from the Pad
Riveting River makes a concerted effort to update its partners, fans, and followers. While the website is kept current with both the projects as shown in the Portfolio and the content surrounding it, we also have more details available on our path forward. We publish a monthly newsletter (Notes from the Pad) providing Riveting River’s latest happenings, including partnerships, productions, and progress. The publication is limited to the select group of those directly involved with the studio’s day-to-day operation or those who can otherwise help Riveting River meet its goals. Please use the Contact Form to request to be added to the mailing list for Notes from the Pad.
Frog Blog
A vital tool to success is to stay current with the latest industry trends, actions, and events. Our public blog contains important happenings in the entertainment industry that relate broadly to Riveting River’s four cornerstones: Scriptwriting, Coverage, Management, and Producing. Information within the Blog is tailored to be relevant and current to our internal team, writers, investors, managers, and studio partners. We welcome submissions of news stories and similar current events to be considered for inclusion in our blog.
Altered.LA: An Impressive Entertainment Studio
Riveting River is proud to be working with Altered.LA, a well-respected independent studio in Los Angeles, California. They help companies connect with major Hollywood studios to get projects “green-lighted” for production.
ScriptUp: Reviewing and advising on our scripts
We are thrilled to have ScriptUp as our coverage service. Their accountability is outstanding. Unlike most other script review services that conceal their reviewers’ identity, ScriptUp always lets us know exactly who (internally) has read our submitted scripts.
Fly to Soar: Our internal marketing and PR resource
Riveting River relies on Fly to Soar to, as their motto states, “launch ideas into reality.” In the same manner they work with start-ups to bring products to market, Fly to Soar helps our entertainment projects launch to success.
Night Fox Entertainment: Producing and financing movies and TV shows
Night Fox Entertainment is an independent entertainment company working closely with great filmmakers to develop, produce and finance live-action motion pictures and television shows with broad appeal.
The Silicon Insider: Podcast co-hosted by our Writing Director
Riveting River Writing Director, Michael S. Malone, pairs up with Television reporter, Scott Budman, to produce The Silicon Insider podcast each week. The veteran industry journalists present a half-hour spirited discussion of the latest trends and happenings in the tech industry of Silicon Valley and beyond.
Spiral Moon Media: Our internal video production resource
Riveting River works hand-in-hand with a world-class video production company for all of its filming and editing needs. Spiral Moon Media is an exciting young company that creates modern works of art.
Entertainment Lab: Unwavering help with producing projects
Getting a project produced takes experience, connections, and tenacity. Entertainment Lab is an example of an independent studio with all three of these traits and knows how to best leverage them.
the Collaborative: A reliable and supportive friend to our company
A lot goes on behind the scenes with running a successful studio—those activities away from Hollywood that allow a company like Riveting River to run smoothly and powerfully.