Laura Guy
Laura spends her days writing about robots and dabbling with screenwriting. A former attorney, Laura lived and worked for many years in Silicon Valley and San Francisco at small firms you may have never heard of such as Google, AMD, and Dolby Labs. A graduate of Stanford University (undergrad) and USC (grad school), Laura finally fled the chilly Bay Area for the warmer, calmer lifestyle of South Florida.
Laura was compelled to write this script based on her experience with her own parents and in-laws. Laura watched her mother take care of her dad and cope with his “death”—and the loss of their partnership—due to this horrible disease.
In addition, she watched her father-in-law struggle with the decision to put her mother-in-law in an Alzheimer’s facility long before he thought he would have to make this decision. Remember I Love You is loosely based on his experience. Laura quickly realized everyone has an opinion about what is moral, right, correct, and responsible when it comes to having a romantic relationship outside of marriage. This story is meant to highlight those opinions and to show the confusion and judgment of people in this situation.