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By Eric P. Granger

Six ex-college classmates are abducted and thrust into a Deep Web “jungle survival” game show where a sadistic director seeks revenge against their past actions.

Feature-length Movie | Action Drama

Hindsight Pitch Deck Cover Image

Pitch Deck


Revenge never dies

Middle-age, William Hinkle, an investment banker always begins his daily routine: family breakfast, kids to school, off to work. In the parking garage, he is abducted and drugged by men dressed in superhero masks. William awakes in a strange jungle wearing military clothes, gear, body cameras, and an explosive pack on his back. An in-ear voice tells him he is in a Live “Deep Web” 48-hour Survival Challenge show and there can be only one winner.

Soon, William encounters Simone another abductee in the jungle who was his girlfriend from Dartmouth twenty years ago. Confused, they work together to advance to the “Survival Exit.” They encounter harsh terrain, a crocodile, and Austin, another Dartmouth classmate.

The “Survival Challenge” control room reveals 36 camera screens and a dozen technicians as they broadcast live on the Deep Web.

In the meantime, with the help of William’s work partner Stan and the local police, William’s wife Denise learns of the Deep Web broadcast and actually watches her husband and the others face the dangers on her computer. Using her skills as a botanist and biologist she desperately tries to deduce where her husband is located so that she might form some sort of rescue.

The now six competitors, all from Dartmouth, try to figure out their connections with each other and who is behind this cruel jungle survivor challenge while the sadistic director constantly taunts them through their headsets. They fight snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, baboons, and bobby traps in order to survive.

As the 48-hour clock counts down the final minutes, only three competitors remain alive when natural volcanic forces erupt and William deduces that one survivor is an impostor and the sadistic mastermind of the vicious and deadly revenge competition.

What Makes this Project Special
Cyber Peace Institute Logo
Hindsight Movie Script Cover Image


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David Jay Lasky Head Shot Photo

Eric's Projects