(Left to Right) Riveting River Producer Ben Thum, interviewing Jerry Stiller, and Carl Reiner for A Gift for Laughter.
Riveting River is dedicated to working with new and accomplished screenwriters to elevate their screenplays to the highest level of perception, followed by using its expertise and experience to have the script green-lighted by a major studio and then on the air or streaming. We draw from our deep well of writing, editing, marketing, PR, and legal expertise to work hand-in-hand with writers through the entire production journey. We also partner with studios to be a pipeline of new and original entertainment content and to pair up writers with projects as the need arises.
The Beginning
Riveting River Productions, Inc. began almost twenty years ago with a vision by Ben Thum, an award-winning radio and television producer and former KFI Los Angeles talk show host. Ben sought a way to pay tribute to the best and brightest comedians by examining the reasons behind the extraordinary success of Jews in comedy. He was inspired by a Time Magazine article that noted while Jewish people comprise only 2% of the population, 80% of America’s humorists happen to be Jewish. Ben (pictured above with Jerry Stiller and Carl Reiner) began traveling the country interviewing some of the greatest comedy minds. His mission to document these comedy geniuses before they passed resulted in developing an impressive collection of original footage.
The next step was to decide what to do with a library of interviews. The company made plans to create a feature-length documentary called A Gift for Laughter—using a mixture of the original interviews combined with archival clips featuring great comedy routines of the past. A Gift for Laughter was to tell the remarkable story of the Jewish contribution to American comedy. Initial plans to produce the docu-comedy (a meld between a documentary and a comedy) were put on hold as Ben saw a need to grow the company and bring in the marketing, legal, and financial experts critical to its success. Riveting River had reached a point where it was ready to move forward with accomplishing Ben’s original vision to make A Gift for Laughter a reality.

Writer’s Table
“All Hands” meeting to work on the A Gift for Laughter screenplay. (from left to right)
Ben Thum, Riveting River Producer
Neal Gabler, Emmy-Winning Author & Screenwriter
Deborah (Deb) Miller, Entertainment Manager
Sanford (Sandy) Lakoff, Professor Emeritus and Author
Stuart (Stu) Kreisman, Emmy-Winning Screenwriter
In the Meantime
A decade ago, Ben attached Roger Margulies to the project—an Art Director of the Collaborative, an award-winning national communications firm, creating graphics and campaigns informing and bringing people together. Roger and Ben worked with the Collaborative to develop a comedy project that, different from the documentary vision, would be a one-hour television series focused on when America invented modern comedy. Just as Mad Men tells of the birth of advertising using real events and fictional characters, Seriously Funny combines actual events with fictional characters to tell the story of American comedy’s genesis.
Riveting River enlisted Neal Gabler to write a screenplay for Seriously Funny to do justice to such an essential part of American culture. Neal was the perfect candidate for the task-based upon his national acclaim as the author of An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood and other best sellers on entertainment. His essays and articles have appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines, including The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, Esquire, Playboy, Newsweek, and Vogue. He has been the recipient of two Los Angeles Times Book Prizes, Time Magazine’s nonfiction book of the year, USA Today’s biography of the year, a National Book Critics Circle nomination, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and many more accolades. Neal didn’t disappoint. Seriously Funny is a poignant, compelling, and of course, funny screenplay ready for production.

Script Read
Seriously Funny script walk-through in front of a packed audience. (from left to right)
Patrick McEvoy, Community Actor
Bob Sarlatte: Actor, radio and TV personality
Maggie Velasquez, Community Actor
Ross DeHovitz, Community Actor
Dina Jacobson, Community Actor
Ken Abrams, Community Actor
Ilona Pollak, Community Actor
Jace Pollak, Community Actor
Billie Harris, Community Actor
Ben Thum, Riveting River Producer
Getting to Today
While working on A Gift for Laughter and Seriously Funny, other irons were in the fire. Ben and Roger’s team of dedicated workers saw firsthand the challenges of breaking into the entertainment world as newcomers and outsiders. Opening doors and finding open minds and ears is not an easy task in Tinseltown. As connections were made and different approaches were tried, Riveting River found it could use its ever-increasing experience to help others. They sought out writers from across the country who had created terrific screenplays yet weren’t privy to proper approaches and reliable contacts in Hollywood. That is when the Riveting River portfolio began to grow into what it is today. From movies to television shows and from comedies to dramas, the current diversity of offerings reinforces the opportunities for the company’s success and those in its folds.
Riveting River also discovered the need to work with the script submitters to take their writing to the highest level possible through a series of reviews (coverage) and rewrites. Once the scripts have achieved a desired state of perfection, the Riveting River team creates support materials (a.k.a. bible) and shops the project to one of its independent studio partners. Together the parties seek to attach actors, a director, and others to the offering before taking it to the biggest studios, networks, and streaming services for approval and green-lighting. A screenwriter can consider Riveting River to be a reliable and valuable partner throughout this long and arduous process of seeing their dream become a reality.
The Riveting River team is the key to our success. In addition to respecting the individual skills and expertise of every person in our organization, we consider all of us to be friends. That makes our work environment a fun and productive place to spend time creating and perfecting some of the best entertainment offerings anywhere.
We have working relationships with entertainment industry leaders to move our projects forward. Our writers, many of whom are not yet established in the film and TV world, can rely on us to introduce them to people and companies that we trust and value. By the same token, our professional entertainment partners know that every project we bring to them has been carefully vetted and prepared so as not to waste their time and energy.

Riveting River is proud to be working with Altered.LA, a well-respected independent studio in Los Angeles, California. They help companies connect with major Hollywood studios to get projects “green-lighted” for production. + More

Getting a project produced takes experience, connections, and tenacity. Entertainment Lab is an example of an independent studio with all three traits and knows how to best leverage them. + More

Night Fox Entertainment is an independent entertainment company working closely with great filmmakers to develop, produce and finance live-action motion pictures and television shows with broad appeal. + More

A lot goes on behind the scenes with running a successful studio—those activities away from Hollywood that allow a company like Riveting River to run smoothly and powerfully. The Collaborative has proven invaluable in supporting Riveting River from its inception with office space, advice, personnel, and more. + More

Riveting River relies on Fly to Soar to, as their motto states, “launch ideas into reality.” In the same manner that they work with startups to bring products to market, Fly to Soar helps our entertainment projects launch to success. They map out our strategy as we focus our efforts toward the common goal of getting our scripted offerings on the air or streaming. + More

Riveting River works hand-in-hand with a world-class video production company for all of its filming and editing needs. Spiral Moon Media is an exciting young company that creates modern works of art. They don’t merely want to get the task done; they desire to take a client’s vision and improve upon it— take it to the next level. + More
Riveting River is partnered with ScriptUp for all of our coverage needs. They always provide the thoughtful, tailored script reviews that we need for our writers to improve their screenplays. ScriptUp works to bring out the best in a writer’s script by giving industry-informed insights and unbiased feedback on their work, helping you take it to the next level. They offer creative guidance and advice to writers at any stage of their careers: from first-time screenwriters developing their skills to seasoned professionals submitting to talent agencies, managers, and screenwriting competitions. ScriptUp distinguishes itself from other consultants through always-thoughtful notes and a personalized approach. They never compromise on service. + More
Riveting River is now an affiliate of Save the Cat!—a series of best-selling books, primarily written by Blake Snyder (1957- 2009). We believe there are no better principles for a screenwriter to follow when writing screenplays. Blake’s method is based on 10 distinctive genres and his 15 story beats (the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet). We offer discounts on Save the Cat! books, workshops, story structure software, apps, and story coaching that teach you everything you need to unlock the fundamentals and mechanics of plot and character transformation. We are proud to be associated with such a fine resource and firmly believe it makes our screenwriters and their scripts stronger. + More